Feb 272005

The headstand asanaI’ve just finished making a video about the similarities between the ancient Hindu art of spiritual discipline and the rather more modern art of online gaming. Watch the higher self rack up high scores getting to the next level of consciousness in the transcendentally physical world of Half-Life 2: Deathmatch! It’s a little over four minutes and change, keep reading for the download links and screenshots.

He's always busting moves like this.
Serene motherfuckers staring at the yoga losers.

Further Linkage

-I’ve gone into more detail on my feelings on Half-Life 2 on theculturalgutter.com.

-this vid first appeared in Novel Amusements #5, my DVDzine, which had the theme “Games and Shames.” [UPDATE: Sold Out.] It was also a part of Pleasure Circuit Overload, my art vid series you can watch here.

  3 Responses to “Yoga Deathmatch”

  1. Heh. Thanks, Jim. This was excellent!

  2. Fantastic Jim, the mod looks really fun too 🙂

  3. Excellent, thanks!

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