Novel Amusements Goes DVD

Amazing cover art by Lisa Smolkin.I’m kind of sad to leave behind the CD-ROM format for my digital zine, we’ve had some good times together, but with more and more people owning DVD players and burners and media costing less and less, it was a no-brainer. Not to mention that a poll on the site indicated that given a choice between a $5 CD-ROM and a $15 DVD, twice as many people prefered the new format.

The format change’s slowed me down a little, so the new deadline for submissions has been extended to May 1st [UPDATE: Passed.]. Check the submissions page if you have an odd or interesting vid you want to be considered for the new disc. It doesn’t pay anything, but these damn things have a way of getting around — thanks to Astria a bunch of the vids from #2 and #3 are being screened in Germany at Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, My Trip to Liberty City among them. According to my stats counter, it’s been viewed 20,000 times so far. Not bad for something I made last minute because it fit in with the Dress Up theme of #3. If you’d like to see it, keep reading…
