I am taking a quick break from prep for our upcoming Toronto fancy videogame party to toot that my upcoming iPhone audio drama adventure game Wonderland has got a nod from the jurors at IndieCade! I love the Los Angeles festival, held in the cozy Culver City neighbourhood, so I’ll be using the excuse to fly down south again next month even if I have just returned from Nevada.
(And yeah, wow, was that ever worth the hype. There is a range of human expression at Burning Man, from “peace and love!” to “fuck you!”, that I’ve never seen co-existing. You work like a dog and play like a god. It’s deeply dirty and utterly innocent. I am a convert.)
But! Continuing the 15th anniversary giveaway, my free ebook this month is Everyone In Silico.
Are you ready to upgrade to a fully modifiable and personalized reality?
In Vancouver, 2036, people are tired of the smog and the rain. They’re willing to give up a lot for guaranteed sunshine.
“Munroe drops in excellent touches — bioterrorists planting seeds, not bombs; home cloning labs — that help make Silico one of the freshest and scariest, yet most hopeful, near-future yarns in a long time.” —Time Out New York
Cover art and back cover copy & more blurbs here.
Free in August: Angry Young Spaceman (now pay-what-you-want)
Free in October: Flyboy Action Figure Comes With Gasmask
Free in November: An Opening Act of Unspeakable Evil
Free in December: Therefore Repent! (illustrated by Salgood Sam)
Free in January: Sword of My Mouth (illustrated by Shannon Gerard)
If you want to find out when the new book’s up follow me on Twitter or even better, subscribe to the blog — so we don’t have to rely on a corporation to keep in touch.