Category: The Bold Explorers

  • My Evil Comic Book

    Mummy and Raven and Dog, tooSo what would you do if the Rapture, the biblical end of the world as foretold in Revelation, came to pass? Raven and Mummy go on a roadtrip! To read the 24 page comic for free go here.

    The backstory: a year ago, when An Opening Act of Unspeakable Evil came out, I posted one entry a day to the faux blog. On it was an online poll that asked readers if they thought the character Lilith was really a demoness or just delusional: I said that I’d write a spin-off story depending on how the vote went. Of the 500 people who weighed in, 55% of you thought she was unholy rather than unhinged.

    Supernatural, then.

  • The Bold Explorers

    Raven and Mummy on the move.Susan and I are doing some exploring of our own — we’ve got two European shows coming up in London and Berlin. Currently we’re in Montepellier for her biochem conference, amazed that the French Mediterranean is in fact that fabled place of palm trees and terraced cafés.

    But The Bold Explorers actually refers to the comic Kate and Bruce start making together at the end of An Opening Act of Unspeakable Evil. A comic that is currently being drawn into being by the fiendishly talented Michel Lacombe. Check out the cover, and keep your evil eye cocked for it — it’ll be released in October.