Published in 2000
23 pages
What inspired you to make a book?
I needed to express my philosophy on how I work and live, and
to convey this message in a provocative manner.
What kind of response have you gotten for the book in comparison
to your design work?
I think that the audience realized that the book contained my content,
as opposed to my clients's message.
How do you decide the price of your books?
I calculated the final cost of production and doubled that
amount for the price of the book.
What goes into choosing a cover? Back cover blurb?
I usually have a strong idea as to what the cover might be.
I often just execute what is in my head. I don't have a blurb, I
have a flowchart to summarize the book.
What's your editing/refining process?
Very lucky to have Jim Munroe and Ryan Bigge on board for the
writing and editing process. I was responsible for the visual content.
How much did it cost? How did you raise the money to publish?
I self-financed the book and the production cost was $10 per
Why aren't more women self-publishing books?
Men are more career-oriented in nature.
(Psst! We're continuing the discussion on women publishing books
over here.)