Published in 1999 (Note: Although this book wasn't self-published, it's basically the nine zines Al made himself stacked on top of each other and perfect bound.) Date of birth? What was the quantity of your print run(s) + how much did it work out per book? If it doesn't say on the book, what did you sell your book for? How can people get your book now? What inspired you to make a book? What did you do to promote it? What would you do differently, and why? Why aren't there any women self-publishing books?
Theory #1) Writing, like music, art and most anything
non-household-cleanser-related, is traditionally a male-dominated
activity. One of the great forward moves for civilization in the 20th
century was the recognition that this was not the natural ordering of
things; however, changing the arrangement is not so simple. As an
analogy, I’ve played in punk bands for years, and I’m always excited when
women get involved in that, and I try to be encouraging to whatever
extent I can. Nonetheless, the fact remains that, no matter what my
intentions, at some level I’m just another white dude playing rock and by
the nature of my very existence a part of this gigantic cultural wall of
homogeneity which I imagine looks very intimidating from the outside. I
think the natural reaction is to think, "Fuck that, I’m not going to play
according to these rules if I just feel intimidated and alienated." As
with music, so it goes with writing, self-publishing, independent
film-making, running record labels, and so on. Even in hip "alternative"
minded circles you always seem to find women doing the unglamorous end of
things -- organizing the food co-op while the guys play in the band or put
together the magazine. It’s the replication of very deeply ingrained
gender roles even on supposedly forward-thinking people, going to show
that these things are a lot more deeply socially programmed into us than
we like to admit.
Theory #2) Women are capable of making children and thus feel less
spastically driven to prove that their existence has meaning through the
production of consumer goods.